Our frame stylists are
specially trained to help you choose a frame that is flattering to your
face. We will be happy to discuss your vision needs; whether you need
glasses for distance or close up work. Our on-site optical dispensary
stocks the latest and most fashionable frames at competitive prices.
Eyeglass prescriptions are filled in a timely manner, since our
finishing lab is on premises. We also adjust and repair existing
eyeglasses, and solve difficult contact lens problems.
The creative nature of
Rosenblum Eye Centers is expressed in our unique window display at 220
Madison Avenue (below). The presidential portrait of Theodore Roosevelt
was used as an example of eyeglasses that add distinction.
This window provides the
opportunity to educate and inform the public of the newest developments
in eye care. Visit our information library for free literature about the
eye and treatment of eye diseases.
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